What's The Worst Thing A Shop Owner Could Do To You?Stop and ask yourself this. Remember that the shop owner is not going to eat you for breakfast, or feed you to her dogs. The worst thing that can happen is that she'll say, "no."
That's not so bad, is it? Even if she's a bit short or brusque with you (which she probably won't be), you're still alive, and you're still a good person. Once you can get past this first hurdle, you're on your way.
And you know what? There's at least a 50-50 chance that she'll say "yes" instead!
Don't Be Afraid To Promote YourselfHave you ever been in the supermarket, and the clerk says, "I love your earrings"? Did you just smile, and say "thank you," and that was the end of it? As you went out to your car, you were probably kicking yourself. Now's the time to plan how you'll respond the next time.
When somebody admires your work, hand them a business card, and strike up a conversation. Let them know that you make all your own jewelry. Most people are amazed to meet someone who is a craftsperson. Tell them that your one-of-a-kind items make wonderful gifts, and suggest that they keep you in mind when they need a present for someone. Point out the fact that you sell your jewelry at home parties, or at the shop down the street, or tell someone who's getting married that you specialize in wedding jewelry.
Don't be pushy or overbearing, as that turns people off. What you want to do is to let people know you who you are, what you do, and how to reach you. Not everyone will be interested, but you'll be surprised how many people will be. Ask them to tell their friends about you. Word of mouth is a very powerful advertising tool.
Go ahead, take that first step in marketing you own business
. Once you do, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to take the next one.
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